Call for Abstracts

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS December 9 and 10, 2022
HEEHD 2022 Call for Abstracts
Maternal and Child Health Disparities
Important Dates:
November 18, 2022 – 250 word abstract deadline.
November 25, 2022 – Notification of abstract acceptance.
December 2, 2022 – Early Bird Registration Deadline.
December 9-10, 2022 – Conference Dates.
Important. The HEEHD 2022 “Call for Abstracts” is a precursor to a subsequent submission of a final paper, which may be presented at the HEEHD 2022 conference. Authors are invited to submit an abstract reflecting original, unpublished research that has not been submitted in any other forum. Authors may submit technical (oral) presentations, panels, and/or interactive posters.
Instruction. Abstract of 250 words or less should focus on one of the following HEEHD 2022 topics as it relates to the HEEHD 2022 theme, “Maternal and Child Health Disparities’ ‘.
Innovations to Eradicate Economic Disparities
- Innovative approaches to obtain customer discovery.
- Case studies on commercialized National Institutes of Health/Small Business Technology Transfer (NIH/ STTR) products/services that address health disparities and create jobs for underserved and disadvantaged populations.
- Discuss barriers preventing Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Serving Institutions (MSI)s (e.g., Hispanic Serving Institutions and Tribal Colleges) from securing significant funding or translating research results to address health disparities in minority populations.
- Methods to train HBCU/MSI faculty and/or undergraduate/graduate students with proficient skills to significantly increase NIH grant/contract awards.
- Public policy interventions (e.g., federal, state governments, industry, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) on how HBCUs/MSIs can eradicate economic disparities.
- Strategies to increase biomedical related intellectual property (e.g., copyrights, patents, trade-secrets, trademarks) among HBCUs/MSIs.
- Innovative approaches to accelerate technology-transfer licenses from HBCUs/MSIs to minority companies.
- Repeatable and optimized processes for transferring concepts to profitable biomedical products or services.
- Effective methods for securing NIH Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase I, Phase II, Phase II Bridge, Direct to Phase II, Fast-Track, and Phase III Sole-source
- Effective methods for translating NIH funding (e.g., R03, R21, R01), as preliminary research, to NIH SBIR/STTR funding.
- Measurable pedagogical/andragogical methods for teaching urban entrepreneurship concepts.
- Pedagogical/andragogical approaches for training undergraduate and graduate students to conduct translational biomedical research.
- Measurable interventions for encouraging biomedical & high-tech entrepreneurship among minorities who are historically underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
Biomedical Related Innovations to Eradicate Maternal and Child Health Disparities
- Clinical decision support systems that integrate genetic testing in clinical care to prevent onset of child and maternal morbidity and mortality (MMM).
- Integration of diverse data types, such as family history, other omics data, environmental data or standard protocols to improve the utility of genomic information for women who are at risk of MMM.
- Applications of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) from electronic health records to identify biomarkers for the presence or risk of developing maternal mortality disease phenotypes.
- Methods and systems to lower barriers for access to genetic testing for underrepresented populations
- Advancing genomic technologies that have broad applicability for the unique aspects and challenges of samples containing maternal-fetal biomaterial mixtures.
- Advanced AI algorithms, modeling, and simulation technologies
- Innovative point-of care technologies for the clinical or hospital settings.
- Wearable technologies for continuous monitoring for pre/post partum women.
- Detecting, predicting, and/or monitoring conditions or disorders during pregnancy and/or the post-partum period.
- Early identifying hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, including gestational or chronic hypertension, pre-eclampsia, and eclampsia, gestational diabetes, obstetric hemorrhage, Peripartum infection
- Detecting, predicting, and/or monitoring heart, lung, blood, and sleep-related (HLBS) disorders during pregnancy and/or the post-partum period.
- Detecting or predicting postpartum cardiomyopathy, venous thromboembolism, postpartum hemorrhage
- Detecting, predicting, or managing sleep disordered breathing in pregnancy
- Development of algorithms that leverage passive mHealth data to predict, detect and monitor symptoms associated with perinatal depression and associated psychiatric morbidity (e.g., bipolar disorder, perinatal psychosis, self-harm, and suicide attempts).
- Testing of wearable technology to accurately monitor symptoms.
- Development and testing of real time remote clinical decision support technology.
- Development of technology that incorporates established prevention and treatment approaches into just in time adaptive interventions to prevent and treat perinatal depression and associated psychiatric morbidity (e.g., bipolar disorder, perinatal psychosis, self-harm and suicide attempts).
- Detecting or predicting stroke, cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), migraine, peripheral neuropathies, chorea, and posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES).
- Innovative technologies for identifying racial and ethnic minority women at high risk for pregnancy complications.
- Patient-centered technologies for identifying and leveraging racial and ethnic specific sociocultural protective factors and areas of resiliency (e.g., community support).
- Disruptive technologies leveraging multiple digital technologies, for example, Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, PhenX Toolkit, personalized medicine, and electronic health records for preventing mortality and morbidity disparities.
- Technology with high success in predicting health care delivery and care strategies for disrupting health disparities outcomes and for racial and ethnic women at high risk for adverse health care delivery outcomes
- Technologies disrupting or preventing the impact of discrimination, bias, indifference, on maternal mortality and morbidity outcomes for high risk racial and ethnic women across systems of care and levels of influence (interpersonal, system, and structural)
- Technology leading to decision aids for risk assessment (especially to promptly identify onset of chronic diseases or complications during the first year postpartum) and utilizing evidence from multiple levels and domains, including life course, family history, health care systems, and organizational data
- Technology interventions that address the role of low levels of health literacy and Limited English Proficiency in underserved minority populations in shared decision-making and informed choice
- Technologies for strategic multilevel and multidomain risk assessment and monitoring and integrating patient, provider, life course, clinical, organizational, community, and societal level data for predicting maternal mortality and morbidity risk and preventive interventions, especially during the first year postpartum and beyond
- Technology leading to equal access, effective continuity of care, and provision of quality care through disruption of the limitations resulting from factors like insurance coverage, socioeconomic status, access to community resources, and site of care.
- Technology for eliminating the severe morbidity experienced by racial and ethnic minority women resulting from pregnancy-related complications (e.g., hemorrhage, sepsis, eclampsia, cardiovascular events) To be effective this technology must also consider the higher prevalence of chronic conditions (e.g., hypertension, obesity, cardiovascular disease) that may exacerbate maternal morbidity among women from racial and ethnic minority groups, especially African American, American Indian/Alaska Native and Hispanic/Latinas.
- Technology exploiting protective factors to decrease rates of maternal morbidity and maternal mortality across SES levels for women from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds
- Technology for improvements in quality of obstetric care (including pre-natal, perinatal, and post-natal care) that eliminate racial disparities in maternal outcome.
- The development of technologies that detect and monitor normal dynamics of the maternal immune system during pregnancy as well as identifying clinically-relevant immune dysfunction metrics for the prediction of pregnancy complications (e.g. infections, preeclampsia, sepsis) that lead to maternal morbidity and mortality.
- The development of technologies that detect characteristic immune parameters prior to clinical onset of pregnancy complications with the ability to notify the clinical provider for subsequent intervention.
- Development of diagnostics for parasitic diseases, notably but not exclusively malaria, that adversely impact maternal health and pregnancy outcomes, and demonstration of performance characteristics.
- Development of an assay that has the capability to rapidly detect T. pallidum from clinical specimens, including the sample preparation methods, and demonstrate the performance characteristics of the assay.
- Development and validation of diagnostics for gestational Lyme disease, which can adversely impact maternal health and pregnancy outcome.
- Understudied, underrepresented, and underreported women such as racial and ethnic minority populations of women or women residing in rural or underserved areas.
- Early identify women with complex health needs such as the co-occurrence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or obesity, along with co-morbid conditions.
- Innovative technologies that search, find, monitor women experiencing homelessness or living in overcrowded congregate housing, or women incarcerated or under community supervision.
- Identifying risk factors relate to the social determinants of maternal health (i.e. low socioeconomic status, access to care, food security)
- Determining risk factors related to the intersectional dimensions of pregnant women such as race, age, geolocation.
- Extended versions of selected papers will be published in the International Journal of Urban Innovation and Cooperative Entrepreneurship (iJUICE).
- iJUICE Authors will be expected to compose papers in a format such as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Manuscript Templates <Link to Template> for Conference Proceedings.
- To review paper submissions, the HEEHD 2022 Conference Paper ReviewCommittee (CPRC) will use a double blind paper review methodology so that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.
- Accepted papers will be archived in the iJUICE Digital Library.
Abstract Submission Instructions
Submit HEEHD 2022 abstracts Below
Abstracts will be externally reviewed by the HEEHD 2022 Scientific Review Committee (SRC).
All authors and co-authors presenting from accepted abstracts are expected to register for the HEEHD 2022 Conference before abstracts and/or camera-ready manuscripts can be included in the proceedings. Attendance will be taken.
December 9-10, 2022 – Conference Dates.
Call for Abstract Contact
For any questions regarding abstract submissions, please contact one of the following HEEHD Conference committee personnel.
- Diane L. Adams, MD
- Bridgie A. Ford, Ph.D.